April 17 & 18, 2018
Alliston, ON |
Presenters and Presentations
Stéphane Grenier is a nationally known mental health innovator, advocate, speaker and entrepreneur. He retired from the Canadian military as a Lieutenant Colonel after serving 29 years. He participated in several overseas missions, most notably nine months in Rwanda in 1994/95, and six months in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2007. Faced with his own undiagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) upon return from Rwanda, he took a ... more ...
WORKSHOP – Trauma Deserves Triage: Rethinking Response and Innovating Interventions
The increasingly commonplace risks of the “trauma-exposed” workforce, have rapidly outpaced the organizational ability to respond to “events that may cause a stress injury”. Now is the time to rethink our response models for our most demanding workplaces.
Resilience-infused methodologies that account for both single incident and cumulative stress, will increase the first responders’ chances of maintaining good mental health and safety.
In this workshop, two new, innovative and compatible response protocols will be presented for participative discussion. These models triage single incident events and further consider the impact of cumulative stress over a career.
WORKSHOP – Trauma Deserves Triage: Rethinking Response and Innovating Interventions
The increasingly commonplace risks of the “trauma-exposed” workforce, have rapidly outpaced the organizational ability to respond to “events that may cause a stress injury”. Now is the time to rethink our response models for our most demanding workplaces.
Resilience-infused methodologies that account for both single incident and cumulative stress, will increase the first responders’ chances of maintaining good mental health and safety.
In this workshop, two new, innovative and compatible response protocols will be presented for participative discussion. These models triage single incident events and further consider the impact of cumulative stress over a career.
Dr. Jonathan Douglas,
PhD CPsych, Psychologist Perceived Injustice: How “The System” Makes the Injury Worse Dr Douglas his doctorate from the University of Windsor in 1995. Since 2004, he has been in full time private practice in Barrie, where he focuses on trauma-related disorders, particularly in Veterans and First Responders, but also in those traumatized by crime, in other fields of work, or in childhood. He is fascinated by the potential for technology to enhance psychotherapeutic outcomes. He has a passion for increasing equitable access to psychological services, and this has led him to serve on the Board of the Ontario Psychological Association for many years, including as President (2015-2016). Dr. Douglas currently serves on the Board of Directors of Badge of Life Canada. more soon |
Moderated Group Discussion
In building a PTSD Retreat or Treatment Centre - What do we need? After a short intro by a couple starting a PTSD/OSI retreat in Nova Scotia we will ask the room for ideas. We hope for participation from other retreat/treatment centre operators, those who have been or may want to access such a facility, family and professionals May be offered twice. more soon |

Potential Forum Topics
Suggestions Welcome !
"We must talk about religion and 'God' etc in trauma therapy."
" The common perception of what 'Trauma' is , is not only incomplete,
it needs a total re-boot, a thorough deconstruction and re-build from scratch. "
"If we taught the western world how to grieve there would
be less addiction, less trauma, less homelessness"
"Black and White Thinking - The most serious problem other than lack of knowledge
about trauma is the very human tendency to look for simple solutions,
to accept one particular framework or modality'"
"Nothing is New" We are connecting or disconnecting from the timeless human truths.
Nothing us new. Human suffering is as old as the species ... "
"The cycle of Bunk & De-Bunk"
more soon
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You Can Be A Part Of It.